Particle Projection
1/12 - 2/5/1995
kinetic object
Ali Eichelbach
Projection installations and cinematographic sculptures in honor of the one hundredth birthday of film.

With the support of the Office of Film and Media in Lower Saxony, the land of Lower Saxony, the Office of Culture of the city of Hanover and the Lotto Foundation of Lower Saxony.

Two headwords accompanied this exhibition: 100 years of film, an event that got the new media moving, and Expanded Cinema, a term for all film art projects that fall outside the normal film and vision traditions.

Since the first developments in film and the presentations of the Lumiere brothers artists have been experimenting with film in its original form and with the needed projectors. Several artistic approaches developed this way. The new methods eventually found their way into the areas of performance, installation and material and emulsion research.

The basic common ideas of these products and productions was and is the creation of the apparent reality of film and the comparable media, the study of perceptual phenomena as well as the direct inclusion of the viewer. The new media from the end of the last century are today increasingly viewed as museum pieces. Untiring film makers and artists are taking advantage of this view for complex experiments.

For the artists of Particle Projection the film equipment that lands on the junkpile is artistic material. They want to be able to step into the technical processes during the creation of art, and these old devices provide the perfect chance. Functions that engineers designed for a specific purpose can be changed to meet individual needs.

In film, the entire technical order of events, from the shooting with the camera to the development in the laboratory, is easily understood. It is possible to interrupt the processes at any time, take things out of the normal connections and create a new order. In this way technology ceases to be purely a work tool and becomes a main part of the art. The character of the equipment and its relation to the projected picture and to space build a unit and the Particle Projection becomes a complete virtual experience.

Particle Projection was an exhibition from nine artists from the area of film: Thomas Bartels, Tony Dickmann, Ali Eichelbach, Lutz Garmsen, Gerd Gockell, Martin Hansen, Ursula Helfer, Hans-Joachim Hofmann und Jürgenrgen Reble. Deborah Phillips and Jorn Zehe were guests.

Particle Projection is a work in progress. The works do not only have to be fitted to the rooms in which they are shown, new film clips, objects and productions also have to be added to each new exhibition. Additional artists are invited to each exhibition. At the opening of this exhibit the pianist DarlEn Bakke played the piece Macrocosmos I from George Crumb for the piano.

At the conclusion of the exhibition a performance was held. Film material was shot in the presence of the audience, developed and immediately projected.